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Saint John Climate Action


SAINT JOHN, NB – Floods, heat waves, air pollution are climate change issues that affect all of us. But together, we can work together to solve it.

As the gatekeepers for transportation, building bylaws, waste management and land-use planning, municipalities play a critical role in our fight against climate change. Municipalities can implement more sustainable practices and act as incubators for solutions that can be used on both a provincial and federal scale.

Think global, act local

Climate change affects all of us, no matter where we live. Yet it is not global-scale solutions that will fix the issue. We need to make changes in our everyday lives to fight the climate crisis.

This is where the Saint John Climate Hub comes in. It’s an organisation set to unify voices around decarbonization and how we can advance Saint John in the race to net zero, through policy initiatives at a local level.

"We strive to be the missing link between Municipal government, environmental organizations and the community. For far too long citizens have been disengaged, or wanted to be part of the movement with no idea where to start or how to contribute. The Climate Hub will be that opportunity to steward ideas, present to council our input and provide guidance and much needed support to our city's and region's sustainability initiatives," Ashley Anthony, Atlantic Regional Engagement Coordinator for Climate Reality Project and local Saint John resident.

We want Saint John to be at the forefront of decarbonization and lead the way to a cleaner world.

If you are interested in being part of Saint John Climate Hub, join us on Facebook & Twitter for the Hub’s launch on November 19th 2022 from 1-3 at the Carlton Community Centre on the West Side.

Media Contact Info

Lynaya Astephen


Ashley Anthony

About Saint John Climate Hub

Think global, act local- that’s what it’s all about. We are a group of local climate advocates with a passion for sustainability and the well-being of our community today and for generations to come.

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